Saturday, July 11, 2015

Option 1

Though I'm not certain what I'll major in in college, I've always enjoyed reading and writing the most out of all school activities. So I'm considering getting a degree in English.
My main ambition in life is to work as a journalist or photojournalist, so, instead of English, I may major in communications, journalism or media studies.


Journalism is considered a "dying career," as more and more newspapers are going bankrupt and writers make far less than they once did. However, many publications have adapted to the Electronic Age, using internet platforms and multimedia production methods to share the news. Though jobs may not be as abundant as they once were, there's still room for ambitious young reporters. Journalists now make on average $39,000 annually. That figure doesn't begin to measure the satisfaction a career in media can bring someone, however. Larger, more reputable papers in major U.S. cities like New York pay more than county publications, and experience in the field or time in graduate school can grant aspiring journalist a higher position and salary.


Even though media coverage is becoming more visual, the median pay for photojournalists is only $39,000 a year. Job security in this field is declining, as newspapers are hiring fewer staff photographers. But photojournalists can choose to be freelance. This enables--but does not guarantee--assignments from a wide range of publications.

Public Relations Specialist

Though less fulfilling, a career in PR is more secure and lucrative than one in journalism. Public relations specialists make on average $63,000 annually; in San Francisco, where I'd like to live, the average is higher at $82,380. PR specialists in the District of Columbia make on average of $99,440--maybe because they have to manage the often scandalous public lives of U.S. politicians.


  1. I like how ambitious you are about wanting to possibly be a journalist. And I'm surprised you already know where you'd like to live later on in life. And with the whole "dying career" I think as long as you're happy with what you do, then it'll be worth it.

  2. Great goals and planning! I want to major in english as well and be a journalist/editor of some sort. Does your internship pertain to that field?

    1. Michael--

      Yeah, my internship at EarthScope Media provides vocational training for environmental journalism. We produce radio stories for KALW, a popular Bay Area station.


  3. These are really good goals, and that with your ambition you can really make it work.

  4. I find it relieving that you're not the only person that doesn't know exactly what to major in in college. Even though you don't know what you want to major in, I think it's impressive that you still know what careers you're considering and that they incorporate your interests and dreams!

  5. I learned a lot from reading your blog as I had never really been into media or journalism. I hope that you succeed in your goals. Good luck!

  6. Wow, you seem to have done a lot of research on what type of major you are interested in pursuing. Sorry that the industry isn't doing so well. I hope you get the opportunity to change the way news is presented for the better!
