Saturday, July 25, 2015

Last One :)

I have learned so much this summer, it's almost like I never left school. Like this experience has taught me so much and it's made me very aware of how much work the future is and that being an adult is going to be the ultimate challenge and adventure. Class has made me very aware that I'm going to have to plan out my future in order to succeed, and that I have to be able to manage my money and time well and I'm so glad I know that now because it tells me I need to start saving and planning for the future. My internship has showed me that I really want to go into film, I have learned so much about the industry since doing this internship and I cant wait to learn more and I have my internship and the amazing talented people in it to thank for my experience. I don't know what I would be doing if I hadn't done this internship. Probably nothing, which is really sad to think about because I have decided I like busy summers. I've barely even had time for Netflix! I've learned that I'm social and that I like being in place where I can interact with a lot of different people and that I am totally not 100% socially awkward which is a plus :) I've also learned that I can be a fast learner when I want to be and that working together is fun. I'm so glad I had an opportunity to do this class and have this experience because without it I honestly have no idea what I'd be doing instead and am glad I had something to motivate me this summer. So thank you!


  1. That's so awesome that you know what you want to do in the future because of your internship! Good Luck with it, you can do it!

  2. Where did you do your internship? I did mine at the California Film Institute and because of it, I am also interested in filming.

  3. I totally agree! This summer has definitely been an amazing opportunity and it has really taught me a lot of things. I've barely had time to anything either, my internship and the class definitely kept me busy!

  4. So true about not having left school (but not necessarily a bad thing)! It's great that you have determined so much about your future. I wish you the best of luck in your savings and the film industry! Glad you had fun!
