Friday, July 10, 2015

Blog #3: My Life After High School

I want to go to college and one major I am considering is in Drama. I really enjoy acting, singing, dancing etc. and I am passionate enough about it to consider it as a career option. Three jobs that have that major in common are actor/actress, director, and a fashion model. I didn't know you could become a fashion model from a drama major but it makes sense when I think about it. Out of those three, I would like to be an actress. I don't want to be a fashion model.

Average Pay For...
  • an actress- between $46,299 and $70,000
  • a director- $128,790
  • a fashion model- $32,920
This is all before taxes.

How Does the Salary Vary Based on Geographic Location for…

  • an actress- in places with major studios and companies is where actors get paid the most verses places with small companies. 
  • a director- like an actress, places that have major companies and studios are where they get paid the most. These places include Hollywood, New York City, etc. 
  • a fashion model- in the Northeast regions is where fashion models make the most money. Places like New York, California, and Chicago are the biggest fashion modeling markets.
How Much Education Does It Require to be…

  • an actress- there isn't a minimum amount; you don't need a degree, although it is very helpful and can provide more opportunities
  • a director- you need a bachelor's degree in journalism, communication, acting, arts management, or comparable discipline. 
  • a fashion model- you don't need any degree or specific credential. Having one will certainly help, but it isn't required. Relevant degrees are fashion designing, accessories designing, fashion merchandising, and photography. 
Personality Traits For… Are…

  • an actress- patience, good team working skills, dedication, people skills, open and strong personality, acting talent, quick thinking, and confidence. 
  • a director- great observation skills, communication, creativity, patience, and leadership. 
  • a fashion model- fashion sense, comfortable with a lot of attention, creativity, and self confidence. 


  1. This sounds like you did a lot of research on this. Good job and good luck :)

  2. I think its great that you you want to pursue a career in acting, because its such a fulfilling experience. I like that you put a lot of thought into your post and took the time for each career and did a lot of research.
