Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Final Blog Post

This Internship has been a tremendous experience. I've learned so much about radio journalism, and I continue to be amazed by the incredible opportunities this experience has given me. I've met some incredibly intelligent people, I've had intellectual, thoughtful discussions and I've reported on excellent stores. And that's just with my peers! I met some of the world's most leading environmental activists and I got the opportunity to share my opinions on their work.

The Career Pathways Academy really allowed me to grow as a person and as a future job applicant. I've learned so much about workplace skills and I was able to transfer them into my internship. I've been using my Linkden to connect with teachers, past employers, current employers and potential future employers to broaden my opportunities. Also, now I can put the link of my google site onto my next job application! The skills that I have learned are so valuable and I only have Mr. Morales To Thank for them!!

Catriona has been an incredible supervisor. She's been helpful, thoughtful, and inspirational. She encouraged us to stretch our minds as we researched potential leads. We were able to find angles on news stories that we'd never thought about because of her. My writing, editing and researching skills have grown so much over the past three weeks. Also, Catriona has given us the opportunity to meet so many world renowned environmentalists. Even Cheryl Jennings from ABC7!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Final Blog (#5)

The amount of experience I have gained in the past six weeks has been incredibly useful and will most certainly make an impact on my future choices and influences. While NCTV has given me plenty of insight into the film industry and how a full filmmaking studio functions, the Career Pathway Academy has allowed me to discover new economic strategy and career planning that will come in handy for finding a job as well as day-to-day life. The particular and finite details of my strengths and weaknesses that appeared in our self-evaluations allowed me to get a much better grip of what is worth focusing on improving and what is not. I also utilized many professional software programs such as Google Sites and LinkedIn to enhance my professional appearance as well as simplified the requirements of most (if not all) jobs into basic career readiness skills. NCTV has allowed me to understand exactly what goes into the filmmaking process and the fact that basic preparation and scheduling are just as important as filmmaking knowledge. I have had the great opportunity to work at an actual television studio by the young age of 15. That, to me at least, is a huge feat. And it is all in part to the Career Readiness Academy and Mr. Morales teaching me the exact things I need to become a successful businessman.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Blog #5

I have always been grateful for a lot of things in my life, including my supportive family and friends, and being able to live here in Marin. This summer has been particularly significant in my life since it is the first time I have committed my time to an internship, a class, along with my regular homework. It has truly been a great experience in which I have learned a lot about communication, collaboration, and professionalism, skills I will benefit from in the future.

In class, I was able to produce a better quality résumé, cover letter, job application, and I was given the opportunity to take tests that would help me analyze my personality to see my strengths and weaknesses. I have tried hard to fix my weaknesses, by paying attention to my actions and slowly changing them, and I am thankful to this class for helping me recognize the improvements I can make to become a more diligent, patient person. I am also glad to be able to make a LinkedIn page to boost a future job application, as well as many young people are not online and are not aware that they should be. What really stood out to me in this class was a TED talk where I learned that not only does someone need to know what they do and how they do something, but why they want to, and that has made me discover that I deeply enjoy helping others and have strived to do so in my daily life.

At my internship, I am so thankful to Catriona for giving me the opportunity to meet all the amazing professionals that I did, and being able to share their stories through Earthscope's blog and radio. I am grateful to Diana Beresford-Kroeger, whose bringing her ancient knowledge of the health benefits of trees to the 21st century. I am grateful to Steven Wise with the Nonhuman Rights Project, for working to give animals legal rights. I am grateful to Dan Griffin, whose study on blue oak trees has determined the severity of California's drought in relation to those previous. And I am grateful to Adam Scow of Food and Water Watch for working against corporations that promote fracking and other harmful processes on the environment.

From these experiences, I learned how to be professional, and that I can work as a journalist. I was able to set up interviews, and communicate efficiently with the people in my internship. I developed my ability to speak confidently and with purpose, which is really important for me. I also learned that I have a greater interest in protecting the environment. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities that I have been given because of where I live. Other students around the world, or even around our own country, do not recognize, or have the tools to find such incredible internships and experiences that I have living in such an influential community, and I am not going to let this go to waste.

Blog #5

I'm extremely grateful for the people in my life and the opportunities I have. This summer I have been so lucky to have received all the blessings that I did, and I learned some pretty valuable things. During class, I learned about myself, through the quizzes and personality tests. Of course I also learned all the skills required to work in a professional workplace. As for in my internship, I learned what it's like to be in an actual professional environment. They have their own company, so I was also able to learn about how companies make books, programs, and blog posts with their own brands. It was interesting to see the behind the scenes of a website and company. I'm very thankful to have gotten this amazing experience to really know and understand what goes on in the professional world. I loved getting to use all these cool sites during the class like Blogger, Waybook, and Google Sites. I've also definitely increased people skills during my internship. I learned how to communicate with adults and how to speak and dress appropriately in the workplace. I', truly so glad to have had this opportunity this summer and learn so much about the real life and also myself, and how I am around certain people in certain environments.

Blog #4

The total of my future expenses each year are about  27,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are websites such as Living Wage.
According to websites such Living Wage and Truity, I can likely count on making $100,000 each year in my future job as a movie producer.  My education/training to get that job will cost about $30,000 total for all years of training.
I want to save $8,000 for my rainy day fund each year, and $9,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $9,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $405,000 plus interest.
Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that being a movie producer may be a profitable job, at least in supporting myself. I know in an industry like film, salaries increase and job positions increase with time. I know that in the beginning I won’t be making that much money but I just to encourage myself to work hard. I definitely want a job where I will be able to save money too, especially for things like retirement and leisure.

Job Titles

I'm not 100% sure of what I want to be majoring in for college, but I've been thinking about it a lot as I've been growing up. Some of the things that I've thought about before include a movie producer, pharmacist, and marketing/advertising person. Those are all three completely different things, but that just reflects that I am still open and not completely sure which path I want to take.

An executive movie producer’s salary is about $139,000 and this is one who would be working in San Francisco. If I were to be a producer, I would definitely be working in San Francisco. There isn’t a specific educational requirement for producers, but a bachelor’s degree in film and cinema is the most ideal. Producers need to be very clever and creative. They need leadership and management skills, and also need to be a very good communicator.

A pharmacist’s annual salary in california is about $132,000. It ranges from state to state but relatively, they’re about in the $100,000 range. To be a pharmacist, you need a PhD and then you must pass two exams to get a license. Some important qualities required include analytical skills, communication skills, and one must be detail oriented.

On the other hand, a marketing and promotions manager’s salary is an average of $115,000 a year (2012). These salaries however are much higher in big industrial cities such as New York or California. These jobs require a lot of creativity, interpersonal skills, organizational skills, and of course lots of communication skills.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

My last Blog

This summer, I am very grateful for the experiences I have had. My internship showed me a lot of what the real world is like and the CPA class has shown me how to prepare for it. Most of the time, I spend my summers at home watching Netflix and scrolling through Pinterest. But my internship has made my summer feel purposeful and has kept me occupied. I am grateful for the work readiness skills we learned in class. When I was at my internship, I was thinking about them all of the time. How can I do this better? How can I improve this skill? I am grateful for the administrators, teachers, and other adults who have made the CPA classes possible. I have learned how much I need to do to prepare for the future. I also learned that I really love tracking my budget, which is a little odd. My friend and I are trying to fund raise for a project we are doing and I made us a spreadsheet for our budget and it was really fun. Through the CPA class, I have become more aware of what it takes to be a great worker. With all of the skills that we learned, I now have something to make me more appealing to employers and colleges. I am also really grateful for my internship. During that almost 2 month period, I learned a lot. I had a wonderful time and I am extremely grateful. Everyone was so nice and I always felt welcome. I didn't feel like the high school intern. I really liked doing the discoveries and exploration quizzes on Waybook. I know that  this kind of opportunity isn't available for a lot of people and that I am lucky to have it. These kind of skills are going to be the ones that I use for the rest of my life, unlike a lot of the things I learned in my math class.

Blog #5

This summer I became extremely grateful for where I live. Every day this summer, I have been lucky enough to experience the beauty that Marin has to offer. Whether it's taking a hike in Madrone Canyon, or swimming through the ice cold water of the Inkwells, I'm never bored with the open and public space that Marin has to offer. Sometimes it's hard to appreciate natural beauty during the school year when your mind is occupied on schoolwork and grades but this summer has offered me time to look around and appreciate what is around me.
This new outlook of my surroundings was a perspective that I learned from the artist at my internship, Jane Chamblerin, who drew scenes from San Francisco that I would otherwise not notice. She drew entire books of small saloons and little alleyways of a city that I go to all the time, yet I've never seen any of these tiny hole-in-the-walls. By looking at her drawings and other works of art, I learned to look more closely at the world I live in.
On another note, the class broadened by perspective on the "real world" and how many careers there are out there. By learning about other students' internships, I learned that there are so many opportunities available that include a variety of different skill sets.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Last One :)

I have learned so much this summer, it's almost like I never left school. Like this experience has taught me so much and it's made me very aware of how much work the future is and that being an adult is going to be the ultimate challenge and adventure. Class has made me very aware that I'm going to have to plan out my future in order to succeed, and that I have to be able to manage my money and time well and I'm so glad I know that now because it tells me I need to start saving and planning for the future. My internship has showed me that I really want to go into film, I have learned so much about the industry since doing this internship and I cant wait to learn more and I have my internship and the amazing talented people in it to thank for my experience. I don't know what I would be doing if I hadn't done this internship. Probably nothing, which is really sad to think about because I have decided I like busy summers. I've barely even had time for Netflix! I've learned that I'm social and that I like being in place where I can interact with a lot of different people and that I am totally not 100% socially awkward which is a plus :) I've also learned that I can be a fast learner when I want to be and that working together is fun. I'm so glad I had an opportunity to do this class and have this experience because without it I honestly have no idea what I'd be doing instead and am glad I had something to motivate me this summer. So thank you!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Final Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I first signed up for my internship this summer at EarthScope Media, I felt a little daunted. The program was designed to provide work experience in radio journalism--something I hadn't tried before. I was only used to the print journalism of my school paper; and even then, because of my shyness, I hadn't interviewed anyone but my mom for stories. Naturally I was terrified to hear that my EarthScope supervisor would schedule me interviews with some of the most relevant scientists and environmentalists of today.

 I was still pretty shy in my first recorded conference call with a woman whose studies of trees had earned her global attention, but after two more interviews I had developed some courage. I had learned how to steer an interview to make my guest give more compelling statements. I had been assured that although I was decades younger than the people at the other end of the line, I could still converse with them. These realizations helped me yesterday when I conducted my first in-person interview alone with a wildlife ecologist at Point Reyes. The ecologist was sensitive about how over half of the herd of Tule elk he was managing had died recently, but I was able to take interesting quotes from him without hurting his feelings. Two weeks before, I would have steered clear from an interview this delicate. 

The CPA classes emphasized people skills, especially extroversion. Mr. Morales explained how important it was to connect with supervisors and employees, and I'm glad I took this to heart. Though I'm normally pretty introverted, I tried more than usual to develop a rapport with my boss, coworkers and some of the people I interviewed. These connections should prove useful to my career ambitions, whether or not I pursue a job in journalism. 

And, of course, I'm glad that I did something this summer besides watching Orange Is the New Black. 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

#5: The Last One!

I am grateful that I did  a summer internship and took the classes. I had such a fun experience with them.
I really liked all the self-discovery tests and activities we did with Waybook. I learned that I'm a naturally curious person and that some of my strengths include kindness, humor, the capacity to love and be loved, and creativity. I also liked that the classes got me thinking about my future (like way in the future). It's made me realize how many things I have to decide that haven't even crossed my mind.
My internship at Gap was great, even though they weren't really sure what to do with me. I learned so many interesting things about retail. For instance, some clothes from online orders don't come from a factory, they actually come from the stores. Also, the individual stores from big brands are shown how their stores should look (what the mannequins wear, how the clothes are folded and laid out). I learned the steps of correctly dressing a mannequin and that it is a lot harder than you'd think. I'm grateful that everyone working at Gap was welcoming and friendly to me.
If I hadn't done a summer internship, I would have spent a lot more time staying at home, watching Netflix. The internship and the classes got me out and about and walking... a lot.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Blog #4 10 years in the future!

  • The total of my future expenses each year are $50,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are the Bereau of Labor Statistics and 
  • The salary of a t.v. writer depends on the success of a show and the number of previous series. According to the Huffington Post and the Writer's Guild of America, I can likely count on making $$96,000 for one series, so yearly. That is the minimum for a t.v. series writer who works on a 22 episode series Of course, one can have little or o training to be a t.v. writer, but if I went to college, my education/training to get that job will cost close to $124,000 or $36,556. That is just the average tuition of a private university and a public university without the financial loans and scholarships.
  • I want to save $350 for my rainy day fund each year, and $4,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $4,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $160,000plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that I should carefully plan my lifestyle budget and save as soon as I get my first paycheck. I should also work in college to help that tuition!

Blog #4

The total of my future expenses each year are $50,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are collegeboard trends and my parents.

According to I can likely count on making $87,000 each year in my future job as a Biomedical Engineer.  My education/training to get that job will cost $300,000 total for all years of training.

I want to save $400 for my rainy day fund each year, and $5,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $3,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $235,000 plus interest.

Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that my life will be very modest in the beginning, and I will really need to focus on saving money and working hard well into my 30's.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

#4: In fifteen years

  • The total of my future expenses each year are $46,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are the internet and my mom.
  • According to I can likely count on making $64,600 each year in my future job as an interior designer in New York City.  My education/training to get that job will cost $88,000 total for all years of training.
  • I want to save $300 for my rainy day fund each year, and $10,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $10,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $350,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think I'll be able to live a comfortable and financially stable life as an interior designer.

Monday, July 20, 2015

In Ten Years

In ten years, I already will have had 2 years working as an actress in New York, Los Angeles, or Marin County. I will have at least a bachelors degree in Dramatic Arts.
  • The total of my future expenses each year are $130,000  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are my mom and New York Times Magazine. 
  • According to CNN I can likely count on making $100,000 each year in my future job as an actress. My education/training to get that job will cost $231,800 total for all years of training.
  • I want to save $50,000 for my rainy day fund each year, and $10,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $10,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $400,000 plus interest on investments.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that I have quite a bit to plan for. It definitely won't be as simple as I expected. 

Blog 4

  • In fifteen years, I will have hopefully finished college and graduate school, and will be living in San Francisco.The total of my future expenses per year would be around $70,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are and my wise parents.

  • According to I can likely count on making around $52,000 to $58,000 each year in my future job as a Bay Area journalist or photojournalist.  My education/training to get that job will cost around $100,000 total (excluding financial aid and scholarships) for all years of training.
  • I want to save $100 for my rainy day fund each year, and $2000 for retirement each year.  If I save $2000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $130,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses shows me that I will need to live with roommates if I want an apartment in San Francisco. And it looks like my career aspirations will limit my future lifestyle. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, because I value my interests more than wealth. But I may still want to look for a more lucrative job if I want to live in the Bay Area.

Blog #4

  • The total of my future expenses each year are approximately $22,500.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are other similarly situated filmmakers as well as websites like Living Wage and Take Charge America.

  • According to financial planning websites such as the ones listed above, I can likely count on making $72,000 each year in my future job as a production designer.  My education/training to get that job will cost $20,000 total for all years of training.

  • I want to save $6,500 for my rainy day fund each year, and $9,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $9,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $405,000 plus interest.

  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think that filmmaking can be a very profitable job as long as one changes certain lifestyle habits to fit their particular occupation.

Blog #4

In ten to fifteen years, I see myself being a corporate anthropologist. My total future expenses each year are $24,000. I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are my mom,, and According to, LLC., corporate anthropologists make about $69,000/year in California. My education/training to get that job will cost about $16,300. I want to save about $40,000 for my rainy day fund each year, and $1,000 for my retirement each year, by the time I'm 65 years old I will have $33,000-38,000 saved plus interest. Comparing my future income and my expenses make me think that I am actually going to be very financially stable when I'm an adult.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Blog #4

  • The total of my future expenses each year are $18,000.  I know this is logical because my primary sources for information are the internet and my mother.
  • According to the internet I can likely count on making $66,600 each year in my future job as a film maker.  My education/training to get that job will cost $ 20,000  total for all years of training.
  • I want to save $5,000 for my rainy day fund each year, and $8,000 for retirement each year.  If I save $8,000 for retirement each year, by the time I am 65 years old I will have $392,000 plus interest.
  • Comparing my future income and expenses makes me think I have a very plentiful and financially stable life as a film maker.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Work Readiness Skills

1. One example of when my work readiness skills came into play was when I was at my internship and I had a lot of work to do. I was writing a whole new blog post for their website and I had just finished another one previously. Diligence was a big factor that came into play here, because even though I was getting tired I pushed through and still did my best to write the best blog that I could. I worked diligently for many hours without breaks, and at the end of the day I finished the blog and my supervisors really liked it.
2. Literacy is another work readiness skill that really contributed to my success at my internship. As mentioned before, I write lots of blogs and advice for my internship, so the ability to read and write and type effectively and efficiently has made my job much easier and better. 
3. Effective communication with adults has been an area that I said I could work on, and I have been practicing with my supervisors. The need for growth in this area has made me work harder towards voicing my own opinions and asking lots of questions. I think I am definitely improving in this area. 
4. Another skill that I could work on is professionalism because I had trouble knowing the appropriate dresswear. However, I payed attention to my 3 supervisors and tried to dress the way they did, which was sometimes just normal jeans and other times were dresses. So I made sure to wear clothes that seemed appropriate in that setting such as t-shirts and jeans. The dress code seems fairly casual, so I made sure not to overdress, but also not to underdress as well. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blog 3, Option 1

​When I go to college (possibly UCLA or USC), I would mostly like to focus on obtaining a major in Film. There are many jobs that are common to people who have a major in film, but the following three are ones of particular interest to me:

Art Director
Avg Pay: $123,000 (annually, w/o tax)
Pay Per Geo Location: $120,000 in SF, $108,600 in NYC
Education: Masters in Fine Arts, Bachelor's Degree
Personality: Professional but creative and inventive

Production Designer
Avg Pay: $99,700 (annually, w/o tax)
Pay Per Geo Location: $98,700 in SF, $101,650 in NYC
Education: Same as Art Director
Personality: Works well with a team

Avg Pay: $87,050
Pay Per Geo Location: $88,620 in SF, $85,700 in NUC
Education: Bachelor's degree only
Personality: Manages time and schedule well

Monday, July 13, 2015

Blog #3 Option #1

I am interested in the field of biotechnology (specifically biomedical engineering) the most, but I also would not be opposed to studying computer science or botany in college as well. However, if I were to go into the field of biotechnology, jobs I would be interested in that are associated with such degrees include being a bioinformatician, biomedical engineer, or professor.

Salary before taxes: about $71,000
Salary difference based off location: Higher salaries in bigger companies located in big cities in California and many states in the North East
Education Requirement: PhD
Personality: Very detail-oriented, dedicated, knowledgeable in science and computers

Biomedical Engineer:
Salary before taxes: about $87,000
Salary differences based off location: Higher salaries in bigger companies located in big cities along the coast
Education Requirement: Bachelor's
Personality: Aptitude for science and mathematics, precise, eloquent, and creative

Salary before taxes: about $87,000
Salary differences based off location: The more prestigious the college, the better paid a professor is
Education Requirement: PhD
Personality: A passionate, strong, professional leader with an interest in students

To be honest I was not too familiar with any of these jobs. After doing this research I do not believe I want to be a professor, or a bioinformatician. I have not ruled out being a biomedical engineer, however, the salary is pretty low for most people in that field of research, and it is not exactly what I was expecting. I'll probably have to do more research to find a better college major for myself.

Week 3: Option 1

A college major that I would most likely want to have is cultural anthropology. Three jobs that are common to people who have had that major are cultural anthropology professors, corporate anthropologists, and senior resources specialist.
The average pay for a cultural anthropologist professor ranges from $41,000-$129,000. A cultural anthropologist professor in California makes an average of $55,000/year while a cultural anthropologist professor in Texas makes an average of $49,000/year. About 79% of cultural anthropologist professors have doctorate degrees while about 21% have master degrees. It is recommended that cultural anthropologist professors are ready for a challenge as well as high achievers.
Corporate anthropologists make an average of about $54,230/year. The states with the highest average salaries are mainly located in the east and northeast regions with District of Columbia having the average salary of $93,620. Most jobs require either a masters or PhD where you included research and studying abroad in your college experience. Skills needed include being able to take surveys and examine social problems.
Senior resource specialists make an average of $72,492/year. In California, the average salary is about $78,000/year while in Texas it is about $70,000/year. Most jobs require at least a bachelor's degree. Skills needed include respect, collaboration, and innovation.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blog #3 Option #3

College is something that I really want to do in the future, but necessarily the first thing I want to do when I become an adult. I'm not 100% sure what I want to do for the rest of my life, so I think that being able to go out in the world and experience it beforehand would be a really good option for me. I really want to travel and experience the world and other cultures myself and get a really wide view of the world and it tells me what it best needs from me. I think I want to go into film, so maybe I'd do a documentary about my travels. I'm also interested in teaching so maybe a wide knowledge of the world would help me be able to give my experience to others around me. I would meet all kinds of people and do all kinds of things not just for my community but for other communities around me. I also want to get a broader knowledge about what makes people successful in this world and how I can benefit as well as others.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Option 1

Though I'm not certain what I'll major in in college, I've always enjoyed reading and writing the most out of all school activities. So I'm considering getting a degree in English.
My main ambition in life is to work as a journalist or photojournalist, so, instead of English, I may major in communications, journalism or media studies.


Journalism is considered a "dying career," as more and more newspapers are going bankrupt and writers make far less than they once did. However, many publications have adapted to the Electronic Age, using internet platforms and multimedia production methods to share the news. Though jobs may not be as abundant as they once were, there's still room for ambitious young reporters. Journalists now make on average $39,000 annually. That figure doesn't begin to measure the satisfaction a career in media can bring someone, however. Larger, more reputable papers in major U.S. cities like New York pay more than county publications, and experience in the field or time in graduate school can grant aspiring journalist a higher position and salary.


Even though media coverage is becoming more visual, the median pay for photojournalists is only $39,000 a year. Job security in this field is declining, as newspapers are hiring fewer staff photographers. But photojournalists can choose to be freelance. This enables--but does not guarantee--assignments from a wide range of publications.

Public Relations Specialist

Though less fulfilling, a career in PR is more secure and lucrative than one in journalism. Public relations specialists make on average $63,000 annually; in San Francisco, where I'd like to live, the average is higher at $82,380. PR specialists in the District of Columbia make on average of $99,440--maybe because they have to manage the often scandalous public lives of U.S. politicians.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Blog #3: My Life After High School

I want to go to college and one major I am considering is in Drama. I really enjoy acting, singing, dancing etc. and I am passionate enough about it to consider it as a career option. Three jobs that have that major in common are actor/actress, director, and a fashion model. I didn't know you could become a fashion model from a drama major but it makes sense when I think about it. Out of those three, I would like to be an actress. I don't want to be a fashion model.

Average Pay For...
  • an actress- between $46,299 and $70,000
  • a director- $128,790
  • a fashion model- $32,920
This is all before taxes.

How Does the Salary Vary Based on Geographic Location for…

  • an actress- in places with major studios and companies is where actors get paid the most verses places with small companies. 
  • a director- like an actress, places that have major companies and studios are where they get paid the most. These places include Hollywood, New York City, etc. 
  • a fashion model- in the Northeast regions is where fashion models make the most money. Places like New York, California, and Chicago are the biggest fashion modeling markets.
How Much Education Does It Require to be…

  • an actress- there isn't a minimum amount; you don't need a degree, although it is very helpful and can provide more opportunities
  • a director- you need a bachelor's degree in journalism, communication, acting, arts management, or comparable discipline. 
  • a fashion model- you don't need any degree or specific credential. Having one will certainly help, but it isn't required. Relevant degrees are fashion designing, accessories designing, fashion merchandising, and photography. 
Personality Traits For… Are…

  • an actress- patience, good team working skills, dedication, people skills, open and strong personality, acting talent, quick thinking, and confidence. 
  • a director- great observation skills, communication, creativity, patience, and leadership. 
  • a fashion model- fashion sense, comfortable with a lot of attention, creativity, and self confidence. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

#3: After High School

I think after I finish high school, I want to go to college. I'm not sure whether I want to go to a junior college to get my general education out of the way or go straight into a four-year or specialized college. Possible things I am interested in majoring in are interior design, architecture, visual communications, graphic design, or math. With a major in visual communication, three careers that I could have are an advertising artist, an illustrator , or a graphic designer. An advertising artist makes an average salary of $35,000, needs a four-year degree, and they tend to be creative, original, ambitious, and flexible. A graphic designer makes an average salary of $45,000, needs a bachelor's degree, and they are usually creative, responsible, team-oriented, and analytical people. An illustrator makes a salary of about $66,000, an associate's or bachelor's degree is preferred, and illustrators are also very creative, artistic, and always using their imagination.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Blog #2

Work & Readiness Skills


Working well with others was a good trait to have for my internship. Our first meeting was all about introductions to the other students and the program itself, so being able to get everyone's opinions and voices on why they are interested in science or journalism was important in seeing what topics each of us might choose to work on and how we can help one another. Communication is a crucial trait to have, as each of us will be checking up on one another and finding professionals to interview in the real world.

For the first meeting of my internship, maintaining a level of professionalism was also important. I showed up early, and was able to talk with another member of my internship, as well as have an early introduction with the program director. I made sure I did not dress too casually, and felt comfortable enough to engage in discussions and ask questions respectfully in regards to certain topics my internship leader brought up that peeked my interest.


I may have been too eager to voice my opinions and therefore made it more difficult for the other students to voice theirs, as I tend to be quite open about my thoughts. So that might mean I should focus on being more tolerant and respectful by trying to include others in the conversation by asking for their opinions if they have not yet spoken on a subject, or not immediately dismissing someone's argument if I disagree with their position.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Values Test Results

According to my results, Logic is my highest value, which I'm not really sure that I agree with. I do value logic without a doubt but I wouldn't say that it is what I value most. I think that harmony or Relationships are better candidates for the first place spot. This is because if I had to choose between being organized and logical or being happy with the people around me, I would definitely choose to be happy. I got learning for my second one which makes sense to me because learning new things is something I enjoy (which ties into happiness). Another one that surprised me was that ambition was only my 6th value. I would expect that to be my third because I always try my best to succeed and make sure that I do succeed by working incredibly hard. I was also confused when beauty was my 12th value. The description for the Beauty category was "To value music, fine arts, design, fashion, and all things aesthetically pleasing" which are all things I like. It was surprising to me because I have played flute for 4 years and now entering my 5th. I have also performed on stage many times in my life and it is probably my favorite thing to do. Other than the few things I found surprising, the rest of my results made sense to me.

Blog #2


An example of using one of the Work Readiness Skills in a positive way that supported my success was finishing a major part of one of my projects. This shows the work readiness skill of dedication. I was given a spreadsheet to fill out with 581 columns. I was given this project at the beginning of my internship and it requires a lot of research to fill out. Out if the 581 columns, I have 380 done. When I get to my internship, I sit down at my desk and work for three hours on the spreadsheet. I am allowed to listen to music which has helped me focus. I have been very dedicated to this project and within no time, I will be done and ready to start a new one. I learned how to do my work well without taking a lot of time up.

Another example of me using a Work Readiness skill was when I had to change my hours. My family was taking a vacation and there was no way for me to get to my internship. So, I used communication to fix the problem. I emailed my boss and worked out days when I could make up hours. I did this efficiently, and effectively. From this, I learned how to fix a new problem.


An example of a Work Readiness Skill Weakness that held me back this week was my ability to improve. When I was working on my project, I had a few questions but I didn't ask them because I was embarrassed and didn't want to irritate my boss. I had already asked quite a few of them but I thought I might have been distracting my boss from his own work. I also didn't want to ask because it was very quiet in the office, except for the sound of keyboards, and I felt awkward being the only one speaking. Trying to figure it all out on my own made it harder for me and slowed me down. But once I figured it out, I learned more and was more able to retain the information. I guess that was a silver lining of the situation even though I didn't get much done.

Another Work Readiness skill that I need to work on is professionalism. I am always struggling to figure out what to wear to my internship. The employees are vary in how they dress: some are in sweatpants and baggy T-shirts and others are in slacks and nice blouses. What I have done for the last few weeks is just wearing things that are sort of dressy but could also be casual. I make sure that I don't wear any tank tops and that my skirts aren't shorter than mid-thigh and so far it has been working out. Even still, I am just a little worried because I haven't been given specific do's and don'ts.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Work Readiness Skills

Describe TWO EXAMPLES of how you used the Work Readiness Skills in your internship in a positive way, or in a way that supported success.  Describe the situation and what you learned.  Describe 1-2 examples of how your Work Readiness Skill weakness/area of growth held you back, or caused you to have to work harder.

My internship will begin next Tuesday, so here are predictions of how some of my qualities will influence my job performance: 


I plan to communicate effectively throughout my time with EarthScope Media. Writing skills are crucial to the internship, as the organization specializes in environmental journalism. Verbal expression is also important––from what I've heard, EarthScope will have me conduct an interview on the radio. I feel I have the required writing skills for the internship, as I have had ample training by writing for my school newspaper, but I will need to improve my verbal abilities to become confident in the interview. The internship should bring me up to par with this.

My dedication will also benefit me in my internship. I rarely miss schoolwork, and I complete my assignments to the best of my ability. I'm confident that my commitment to school will transfer to dedication to my EarthScope duties.


I'm worried that I will need to develop more professionalism to be ready for my internship. I've struggled with promptness my entire life. As a kid, I always found some way to make myself late to school: hitting the snooze button on my alarm to sleep in, wasting ten minutes trying to assemble the perfect outfit, hiding under the bed covers, etc. Though I've been more punctual as I've gained maturity, I'm still worried I'll disrespect my superiors by showing up late. Also, though EarthScope seems like a fairly casual setting, I may want to dress more professionally. 

Another skill I need to improve for my time with EarthScope is collaboration. Throughout my time in school, I've struggled with including others in group projects. I often do all the work myself. In my internship, I hope to turn over a new leaf and try to ensure that everyone on my team is involved in our project.

#2: Work Readiness Skills

Positive Impacts

Diligence: This is my number one value which is a good thing. Having diligence allows me to get taskes like recovering the floor, running the floor, etc., finished to my best ability and quickly. I am also conscientious of the customers and welcome them into the store or help the find clothes with politeness.

Beauty: Because I value fashion and all things aesthetic, I can give meaningful opinions and ideas to customers at the store. I've already been asked a lot of questions on whether something looks good with a piece of clothing. And I think I give good advice - fashionwise.

Negative Impacts

Leisure: Even though I get my work done, I'm afraid I might get lazy, or leisurely, towards the end of a shift. This won't look good to the customers and for myself. However, know that I know that I will tend to be leisurely, I can use this to my advantage by getting all the important work done first, then keeping myself busy with small tasks that are helpful but also allow me to relax a little.

Value Test Reflection

My number one value is diligence. I'd agree with that because I do like to get my work finished to the best of my ability, correctly and efficiently. Logic is my next top value and I believe that. I like math which involves a lot of problem solving and I'm also a very organized person. My third value is beauty. I find that funny yet fitting for me. For one, I do go to an art school which involves me making a lot of art and being around art on a daily basis. I also played an instrument all throughout middle school. In addition, I'm interning at GAP and I was mainly attracted to this internship because it involved working with clothes, or fashion. Lastly, I'm interested in going to college and majoring in something to do with design.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Positive and Negative Predictions

TWO EXAMPLES of how you used the Work Readiness Skills in your internship in a positive way, or in a way that supported success.  Describe the situation and what you learned.  Describe 1-2 examples of how your Work Readiness Skill weakness/area of growth held you back, or caused you to have to work harder.

I have not begun my internship yet, so here I will discuss the work readiness skills I plan to use.

I've been communicating effectively: The plans for my internship have been in the works for a while, and the supervisor has recently been corresponding with us. I was a little unsure of the precise scheduling, so I emailed her to confirm. I was grateful I did, because the first day we are planning to meet was a different day than I thought it was. She has mentioned future dates for field trips that we will have to schedule, and I plan on confirming with her throughout that process as well.

I've been diligent about my first assignment: My supervisor gave us an assignment that is due on the first day we meet. I thoroughly read the explanation and then began researching it. I've been doing little bits of work on the assignment everyday. Also, my supervisor sent us information about the organization she works with, which I reviewed. I took it a step further and went to their website to read about even more programs they offer. Now that I have stayed on top of my responsibilities, I feel as though I will be prepared for the first day.


Literacy: I consider myself a very literate person, but at first I did not clearly understand the due date for the first assignment. I hadn't checked my emails for a couple of days, and I was overwhelmed with the number of emails. In the future, I plan to check my emails everyday so I can clearly understand the  instructions from my supervisor.

Work Readiness Skills

Positive Impacts:
• Knowledge/Work Logic - I have a rather solid knowledge of the programs and databases we use at the NCTV internship and anything I do not have immediate knowledge of I can usually compare to other things I know well and find similarities.
• Creativity - Both I and the other intern (in my opinion) bring new ideas and creative thoughts to NCTV's table that would have otherwise never come up.

Negative Impacts:
• Ambition - While ambition is generally a positive virtue I sometimes feel that I overstep my boundaries as an intern in such a creative workplace and maybe want to do things that most interns would usually not have asked to do.
• Learning - While I am knowledgeable with most of the equipment, some of the professional-grade equipment at the workplace does exceed my previous knowledge and therefore it will be a much steeper learning curve to master than previous things I have encountered.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Blog #2 Work Readiness Skills

Dedication: I've been very dedicated to my internship because I always show up on time ready to work and learn. Also, I'm very respectful to my mentors because I have a high regard for their work and am open to their suggestions and what they have to teach me.

Team Work: I am in an environment where I work with my mentors as well as another intern on projects and we all work very well as a team. We always listen to each other's feedback and suggestions and work together to get the projects done.

Diligence: A lot of the material I am learning is new to me, so sometimes I'm afraid to ask too many questions otherwise I'm worried I might annoy my mentors. It's made me have to pay closer attention when they are explaining something and have to watch the other intern do something for a while before I get the hang of it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Goals, Habits and Allies

Short-Term Goals:

-Remain committed to schoolwork--avoid "senioritis"
-Start college applications early to make sure that they're thorough
-Improve verbal communication skills

Long-Tern Goals:

-Attend a college or university, hopefully with small classes
-Major in English, Communications or Journalism
-Try to go to graduate school for journalism program or masters degree in English
-Make use of internship opportunities while in college
-Begin career in media, PR or marketing

Current Habits:

-Reading daily (good)
-Committed to homework (good)
-Lots of Netflix (not so good)
-Lots of dumb internet videos (not so good)

Future Habits:

-Read/write daily to improve writing skills
-Start homework as soon as I get home
-In group projects, try to include everyone. Stop doing all the work myself.
-Try to seem more friendly

Current Allies:

-English and Journalism teachers
-Director of my current internship at Earth Scope Media

Future Allies:

-Professors (especially for recommendations to grad school)


Must Complete
1) Don't be Shy. 2) Be Talkative. 


Must Complete
Mr. Davidson and Mrs. Gordon  to help me get into right path for my future and college.

Long Term

Must Complete
To be able to become a Dentist/Computer Engineer. Be able to get a Good Job. 

Short Term

Must Complete
 To be able to get a Scholarship. And be able to get into College. And pass high school with Good Grades.

Goals, Habits, Allies : )

My Short Term Goals
-be more organized
-learn how to effectively communicate with employers
-take risks and try new things
          -leadership in yearbook
-develop friendships with new people
-work hard and be organized
-get into a good college (good GPA, good college application)
-learn how to improve at my current job
-leadership position in yearbook

I will need these tools in order to obtain my short term goal of leaving high school with a well-rounded experience while also having a good plan for my future.

My Long Term Goals
-study everything I want to in college
-work at a television company
-work in a leadership position as a PR rep for a non-profit
-work at an advertising/marketing agency
-travel to a lot of different places
-live in different countries

I will need to work hard in college and maintain a lot of connections in order to complete all of these goals.

My current habits
-Good Habits: I work hard, I complete my work on time, I pay attention to detail, I practice at what I'm interested in, I am pretty reliable.
-Bad Habits: at times, not very reliable, disorganized, don't take risks, easily stressed

Habits I would like to develop
- I would like to develop good workplace skills
- I would like to be able to effectively self-promote my skills for future job applications
-I would like to effectively converse with superiors
-I would like to be more organized
- I would like to be more reliable
-I would like to be better at taking risks
-I would like to put less stress on smaller projects

Current Allies
      -my leadership experience
      -my communication skills
      -I'm computer literate: know basics and how to use photoshop, final cut pro, etc
Support systems:
        -school counselor
        -connections/recommendations through Marin Shakespeare
Future Allies
       -My college degree
       -my skills that I gain from future jobs
        -my current employers
               -Comforts and Earthscope
        -my future accomplishments