Monday, July 13, 2015

Blog #3 Option #1

I am interested in the field of biotechnology (specifically biomedical engineering) the most, but I also would not be opposed to studying computer science or botany in college as well. However, if I were to go into the field of biotechnology, jobs I would be interested in that are associated with such degrees include being a bioinformatician, biomedical engineer, or professor.

Salary before taxes: about $71,000
Salary difference based off location: Higher salaries in bigger companies located in big cities in California and many states in the North East
Education Requirement: PhD
Personality: Very detail-oriented, dedicated, knowledgeable in science and computers

Biomedical Engineer:
Salary before taxes: about $87,000
Salary differences based off location: Higher salaries in bigger companies located in big cities along the coast
Education Requirement: Bachelor's
Personality: Aptitude for science and mathematics, precise, eloquent, and creative

Salary before taxes: about $87,000
Salary differences based off location: The more prestigious the college, the better paid a professor is
Education Requirement: PhD
Personality: A passionate, strong, professional leader with an interest in students

To be honest I was not too familiar with any of these jobs. After doing this research I do not believe I want to be a professor, or a bioinformatician. I have not ruled out being a biomedical engineer, however, the salary is pretty low for most people in that field of research, and it is not exactly what I was expecting. I'll probably have to do more research to find a better college major for myself.


  1. I've never been one to particularly enjoy science or technology, and therefore never really took the time to research about it or it's potential careers, but the personality these jobs require sparked my interest. Every one of these jobs requires a leader like personality, who is detail oriented.

  2. Seems like a lot of these jobs have really good pay, and these fields seem really interesting. I hope you have the chance to explore all of your options.
