Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Goals, Habits and Allies

Short-Term Goals:

-Remain committed to schoolwork--avoid "senioritis"
-Start college applications early to make sure that they're thorough
-Improve verbal communication skills

Long-Tern Goals:

-Attend a college or university, hopefully with small classes
-Major in English, Communications or Journalism
-Try to go to graduate school for journalism program or masters degree in English
-Make use of internship opportunities while in college
-Begin career in media, PR or marketing

Current Habits:

-Reading daily (good)
-Committed to homework (good)
-Lots of Netflix (not so good)
-Lots of dumb internet videos (not so good)

Future Habits:

-Read/write daily to improve writing skills
-Start homework as soon as I get home
-In group projects, try to include everyone. Stop doing all the work myself.
-Try to seem more friendly

Current Allies:

-English and Journalism teachers
-Director of my current internship at Earth Scope Media

Future Allies:

-Professors (especially for recommendations to grad school)

1 comment:

  1. This is very straightforward, and it's clear you understand what you want to do and how you will get there. Wonderful, Walker. Keep it up.
